- 24k
- aesthetic
- amethyst
- amphora
- aquatic
- Arctic
- art
- asymmetry
- Aurora
- balance
- Barnacle
- Barnacles
- battuto
- batutto
- Bee Kingdom
- Benjamin Kikkert
- Biology
- Black and Gold
- Blownglass
- Blue
- bottle
- Bottom of the Sea
- bowl
- Break
- bubble
- buylocal
- Candle
- candleholder
- chandelier
- Check
- chopstick holder
- Christmas
- Clear
- Cobalt
- coldworking
- colour
- Crackle
- craft
- creekbed
- Crystal
- cute
- cylinder
- Day of the Dead
- Decorative
- Decorative object
- Deptuch
- design
- Developlex
- Dia de Muertos
- dragon
- earrings
- easyshopping
- elegant
- float
- Friendship
- Frosted
- Frozen
- functional object
- galaxy
- Galcier
- gift
- gilded
- glass
- Glass sculpture
- glassblowing
- gold
- goldleaf
- granville
- Green
- handmade
- happy shopping
- Holiday
- homedecor
- hotglass
- hotshop
- Ice
- ikebana
- interior design
- Is Glass Queer? Or Is It Just Me?
- island
- Jaan andres
- Jeff Goodman Studio
- jellyfish
- Jeremy Dane Morris
- landscape
- laura
- lifeform
- light
- lighting
- lights
- Maria Keating
- marine
- Michael
- Michael Deptuch
- mountain
- Multicolour
- murdoch
- nature
- Necklace
- Object
- ocean
- opaque
- Orange
- organic
- Ornament
- Paperweight
- perfume
- Phillip Murray Bandura
- Pink
- pipeline
- plates
- present
- Purple
- PW
- range
- ranger
- Red
- Relic
- rock
- Rocks
- Ruin
- Rune
- satellite
- scale
- sculpture
- Sea
- serving dish
- Shelf
- shore break
- Shorebreak Series
- shoreline
- Silver
- simple
- Skull
- snowscape
- space
- Spark
- Splash
- stacked
- stand
- stones
- stopper
- storm
- studio
- stylish
- sushi dish
- Sushi platter
- swirl
- Tammy hudgeon
- Tequila
- textu
- texture
- transparent
- tundra
- Twist
- unique
- vase
- Vessel
- Water
- waves
- westcoast
- Whiskey
- White
- Winter
- Winterscape
- yvrglass
- 24k
- aesthetic
- amethyst
- amphora
- aquatic
- Arctic
- art
- asymmetry
- Aurora
- balance
- Barnacle
- Barnacles
- battuto
- batutto
- Bee Kingdom
- Benjamin Kikkert
- Biology
- Black and Gold
- Blownglass
- Blue
- bottle
- Bottom of the Sea
- bowl
- Break
- bubble
- buylocal
- Candle
- candleholder
- chandelier
- Check
- chopstick holder
- Christmas
- Clear
- Cobalt
- coldworking
- colour
- Crackle
- craft
- creekbed
- Crystal
- cute
- cylinder
- Day of the Dead
- Decorative
- Decorative object
- Deptuch
- design
- Developlex
- Dia de Muertos
- dragon
- earrings
- easyshopping
- elegant
- float
- Friendship
- Frosted
- Frozen
- functional object
- galaxy
- Galcier
- gift
- gilded
- glass
- Glass sculpture
- glassblowing
- gold
- goldleaf
- granville
- Green
- handmade
- happy shopping
- Holiday
- homedecor
- hotglass
- hotshop
- Ice
- ikebana
- interior design
- Is Glass Queer? Or Is It Just Me?
- island
- Jaan andres
- Jeff Goodman Studio
- jellyfish
- Jeremy Dane Morris
- landscape
- laura
- lifeform
- light
- lighting
- lights
- Maria Keating
- marine
- Michael
- Michael Deptuch
- mountain
- Multicolour
- murdoch
- nature
- Necklace
- Object
- ocean
- opaque
- Orange
- organic
- Ornament
- Paperweight
- perfume
- Phillip Murray Bandura
- Pink
- pipeline
- plates
- present
- Purple
- PW
- range
- ranger
- Red
- Relic
- rock
- Rocks
- Ruin
- Rune
- satellite
- scale
- sculpture
- Sea
- serving dish
- Shelf
- shore break
- Shorebreak Series
- shoreline
- Silver
- simple
- Skull
- snowscape
- space
- Spark
- Splash
- stacked
- stand
- stones
- stopper
- storm
- studio
- stylish
- sushi dish
- Sushi platter
- swirl
- Tammy hudgeon
- Tequila
- textu
- texture
- transparent
- tundra
- Twist
- unique
- vase
- Vessel
- Water
- waves
- westcoast
- Whiskey
- White
- Winter
- Winterscape
- yvrglass
Decorative objects for the hoe.
74 products
74 products
Sold Out
Robin dishes
Tammy Hudgeon
Sold Out
Shelf Break
Benjamin Kikkert